Did you know?
Tuition savings
Save up to $30,000 per year when you earn your associate’s degree at Montco and transfer to a 4-year school.*
Earnings advantage
Those with associate's degrees earn nearly one-third more over their lifetime than those with just a high school diploma.**
4-year success
Students who complete their associate's degree or certificate before they transfer to a 4-year institution are 13 percent more likely to complete their bachelor's degree.***
* Based on full-time, average tuition of private nonprofit 4-year universities.
** The College Payoff: Education, occupation, lifetime earnings. (2013) Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce.
*** Baccalaureate attainment: A national view of the postsecondary outcomes of students who transfer from two-year to four-year institutions. (2013) National Student Clearinghouse Research Center.