The following course equivalencies are awarded for successfully completed exams.

DSST Examination Minimum Score Course Equivalency Course Title
A History of the Vietnam War 400 HIS-219 The Vietnam War
Art of the Western World 400 ART-101 Art History I: Cave Painting to Renaissance
Astronomy 400 AST-999 for 3 credits Generic Astronomy
Business Ethics and Society 400 MGT-210 Ethical Decision Making in Business
Business Law II (old exam) 52 ACC-999 for 3 credits

Generic Accounting

Business Mathematics 400 ACC-110 Business Mathematics
Computing and Information Technology 400 CIS-99 for 3 credits Generic Computer Science
Criminal Justice 400 CJS-100 and CJS-105 and CJS-240 Introduction to Criminal Justice and Criminal Law and The Correctional Process
Drug and Alcohol Abuse (old exam) 49 PSY-217 Drugs - Their Use and Abuse
Environment & Humanity: The Race to Save the Planet (old exam) 46 BIO-115 Environmental Biology
Environmental Science 400 BIO-115 Environmental Biology
Ethics in America 400 PHI-101 Introduction to Ethics
Ethics in Technology 400 CIS-999 for 3 credits Generic Computer Science
Foundations of Education 400 EDU-100 Introduction to Education
Fundamentals of College Algebra 400 MAT-100 Intermediate Algebra
Fundamentals of Counseling 400 HSW-999 for 3 credits Generic Human Services
Fundamentals of Cybersecurity 400 CIS-999 for 3 credits Generic Computer Science
General Anthropology 400 ANT-104 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Health & Human Development 400 ESW-236 Personal Health and Wellness
Here's to Your Health (old exam) 48 ESW-236 Personal Health and Wellness
History of the Soviet Union 434 HIS-999 for 3 credits Generic History
Human/Cultural Geography (old exam) 48 GEO-130 Cultural Geography
Human Resource Management 400 MGT-131 Human Resources Management
Introduction to Business 400 MGT-110 Introduction to Business
Introduction to Computing (old exam) 45 CIS-999 for 3 credits Generic Computer Science
Introduction to Geography 400 GEO-130 Cultural Geography
Introduction to Geology 400 GLG-999 for 3 credits Generic Geology
Introduction to Law Enforcement 400 CJS-999 for 3 credits Generic Computer Science
Introduction to the Modern Middle East (old exam) 44 HIS-250 History of the Modern Middle East
Introduction to World Religions 400 PHI-215 Comparative Religions
Lifespan Developmental Psychology 400 PSY-206 Human Development: A Life-Span Approach
Management Information Systems 400 CIS-999 for 3 credits Generic Computer Science
Math for Liberal Arts 400 MAT-106 Math Applications
Money and Banking 400 ECO-221 Money and Banking
Organizational Behavior 400 MGT-999 for 3 credits Generic Management
Personal Finance 400 ECO-111 Personal Finance
Physical Geology (old exam) 46 GLG-999 for 3 credits Generic Geology
Principles of Advanced English Composition 400 ENG-999 for 3 credits Generic English
Principles of Finance 400 ECO-211 Principles of Finance
Principles of Financial Accounting (old exam) 49 ACC-999 for 3 credits Generic Accounting
Principles of Physical Science 400 SCI-999 for 3 credits Generic Science
Principles of Public Speaking 400 CMS-110 Speech Communication
Principles of Statistics 400 MAT-131 Introduction to Statistics I
Principles of Supervision 400 MGT-221 Supervision
Rise & Fall of the Soviet Union (old exam) 45 HIS-999 for 3 credits Generic History
Substance Abuse 400 PSY-217 Drugs - Their Use and Abuse
Technical Writing 400 ENG-215 Writing for Technical Communication
The Civil War and Reconstruction 400 HIS-213 The Civil War and Reconstruction
Western Europe Since 1945 (old exam) 48 HIS-999 for 3 credits Generic History