Montgomery County Housing Assistance and Shelters
- Montgomery County Your Way Home - The Your Way Home (YWH) Call Center is a centralized system for screening and intake for individuals and families in Montgomery County experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, homelessness. Calls to the Center are answered by operators at 2-1-1 SEPA, which has access to up-to-date data about which providers have space available, and other services and information.
DIAL 2-1-1 or 1-866-964-7925 TEXT 898-211 VISIT
- Community Action Development Corporation - This program provides emergency financial and housing stabilization to high-risk families and individuals in Montgomery County due to the effects of COVID-19.
Montgomery County Eviction Support
- Montgomery County Prothonotary’s Office - If your eviction is in Montgomery County, please contact the Prothonotary Office at 610-278-3361 for more information on how to appeal an eviction.
- Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania - Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania offer free legal help for low-income and vulnerable residents of Bucks, Chester, Delaware and Montgomery counties. LASP helps clients who are facing eviction and mortgage foreclosure, as well as many other legal cases.
Individualized Support
- Public Benefits Navigation - The Personal Navigator Program can help you to apply for public benefits, including home heating assistance. Students who live in Montgomery County or Phoenixville and/or their families should contact 1-800-591-8234 or self-register.
To talk to someone in the Wellness Center about resources outside of Montgomery County, please email us at